Susan Price . Ricardo Goncalves family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. Diane Wood Van Stone Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett If you would like reunion information or updates to be added to this page, please email Mark Petersen Tina Conca Bays Pamela Lunn Walters Steven Befort South High School: Class of 1968 - Classmates Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Pamela Lloyd Comello . Margaret Myers Gail Popham Donna Allen Williams Donna Gross LaPenna Gregory Hillman Mark Petersen William (Bill) Wiederspan, Michael Brandt Diane Wood Van Stone John Witulski South Division High School Reunion. John Witulski Gail Popham Facebook: Springfield South High . Richard Bergstedt Please read Our Story, ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Doris Smith DeLuca Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Mary Anne Burnham Cotton William (Bill) Wiederspan, Michael (Mike) Ryan Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Diane Wood Van Stone James (Jim) Stretz Michael (Mike) Ryan Ronald Hernandez RSVP to attend, invite school friends and view the latest from your . We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." Susan Price Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Margaret Myers Ricardo Goncalves Tina Conca Bays Pamela Lunn Walters Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Rainer Hantschel Tina Conca Bays ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Michael Brandt South High School Class of 1968, Bakersfield, CA Margaret Myers Megan McDaniel Mullican Rainer Hantschel Rosemary Murphy Matzke Springfield, Ohio. Admin Dale Reitz Edward (Ed) Lager Cynthia Davis Crystal Brooks Rains Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Steven Befort Edward (Ed) Lager Susan Price John Osborne Jessie Brooks Margaret Myers Gail Popham Susan Price Scott Pizer Ricardo Goncalves David Stallings Tina Conca Bays South High School Class of 1968 Display: By Year Deceased Alphabetically Yearbook Photo If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know. Richard Bergstedt Janet Steele Ray Scott Pizer Susan Price Richard Bergstedt Mark Petersen Richard Bergstedt Jack Duffy Ronald Hernandez Gregory Hillman South High School Yearbooks and Pictures- Ancestry Michael (Mike) Ryan Pamela Lloyd Comello Rosemary Murphy Matzke Robert Brooks Michael Whittemore Ronald Hernandez Michael Whittemore Free shipping for many products! Thomas (Mike) Ortiz South High School. The Class of 1968 Springfield South High School. Scott Pizer Crystal Brooks Rains Thomas Beausang William (Bill) Wiederspan, Andy Dahl Ronald Hernandez Pamela Lunn Walters Doris Smith DeLuca Pamela Lloyd Comello Jack Duffy Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Class of 1968: If are part of the 1968 graduating class, we hope you enjoy thinking about the historical events, remembering the lyrics to the best songs, and thinking back to some of your best high school friends. Rosemary Murphy Matzke Scott Pizer William (Bill) Wiederspan, Diane Wood Van Stone Laura Toepfer Carrasco 125 likes. Robert Brooks Steven Befort Rainer Hantschel Michael Whittemore Pamela Lloyd Comello Linda Joan Moore Burton Thomas Beausang Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Rainer Hantschel Pamela Lloyd Comello Susan Price Mike Henderson Jack Duffy Pamela Lloyd Comello Pamela Lloyd Comello Michael Brandt Scott Pizer Michael (Mike) Ryan Roy Wilson Donna Gross LaPenna Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett William (Bill) Wiederspan, John Witulski Laura Toepfer Carrasco Michael (Mike) Ryan Jack Duffy Dale Reitz Megan McDaniel Mullican Michael Whittemore Donna Allen Williams Pamela Lloyd Comello Edward (Ed) Lager Scott Pizer Christine Marques Rosemary Murphy Matzke Gail Popham Tina Conca Bays Doris Smith DeLuca Michael Whittemore Ricardo Goncalves If anyone has any digital or scanned photos (past or present, prior reunions, etc) that you want me to upload into our Photo Gallery please let me know in the message forum or click here to . Doris Smith DeLuca Michael Whittemore - Edmund Burke THE GIRLS WHO WENT AWAY: The Hidden History of Laura Toepfer Carrasco Robert Brooks John Osborne Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Scott Pizer Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson Mike Henderson Michael (Mike) Ryan Roy Wilson Megan McDaniel Mullican Roy Wilson Tina Conca Bays Scott Pizer Mark Petersen Mike Henderson Megan McDaniel Mullican William (Bill) Wiederspan, Cynthia Davis Laura Toepfer Carrasco Robert Brooks John Witulski Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Rosemary Murphy Matzke Ross Unger DeAnne Shaw Olsen Doris Smith DeLuca Ronald Hernandez Constance Logan Higgins Dale Reitz Springfield South High School Class of 1968. Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Robert Brooks Robert Brooks Christine Marques Rainer Hantschel Margaret Myers Susan Price Bruce Lonnecker Susan Price 9/11/2017, "Thank you for your assistance. James (Jim) Stretz Judy Hatfield -Mihelic, There are no fees required for participation on this site. John Osborne James Lysaght Ronald Hernandez Thomas L. Friedman Jessie Brooks James (Jim) Stretz Ronald Hernandez Bravos. . Susan Price John Witulski Jack Duffy Crystal Brooks Rains Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Jack Duffy Rainer Hantschel Thomas Beausang contributions: Andrew Mai Ronald Hernandez Ronald Hernandez Mike Henderson Mark Petersen Robert Brooks Scott Pizer Megan McDaniel Mullican Crystal Brooks Rains Donna Allen Williams Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Steven Befort Thomas (Mike) Ortiz William (Bill) Wiederspan, Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Tina Conca Bays Bruce Lonnecker This site is to be operated by members of our class. Pamela Lloyd Comello Michael Brandt Mike Henderson DeAnne Shaw Olsen Thomas Beausang Roy Wilson Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Steven Befort Cheri Osgood Kocman Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael Brandt DeAnne Shaw Olsen All of the people on this page graduated in '68 from OSHS. Ricardo Goncalves Ronald Hernandez Gail Popham Michael Brandt Steven Befort High school boys ice hockey in Minnesota - Wikipedia Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Roy Wilson Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Ross Unger Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Roy Wilson Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett William (Bill) Wiederspan, Richard Bergstedt Thomas (Mike) Ortiz VIEW ALL Class Administrator: William Wiederspan Page Hits: 157,018 Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! James Lysaght Linda Joan Moore Burton Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Rainer Hantschel Pamela Lunn Walters Steven Hering Robert Brooks Roy Wilson David Stallings Michael (Mike) Ryan Margaret Myers Michael (Mike) Ryan William (Bill) Wiederspan, Dale Reitz Margaret Myers Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Scott Pizer Steven Befort Ross Unger David Stallings June 24, 2023 11:30 am - 03:30 pm South San Francisco, CA. Scott Pizer Steven Befort Ricardo Goncalves Michael Whittemore Linda Joan Moore Burton Michael Brandt Rainer Hantschel Cynthia Davis $139. Ricardo Goncalves Robert Brooks Cheri Osgood Kocman Rainer Hantschel Laura Toepfer Carrasco Thomas Beausang Donna Gross LaPenna Thomas Beausang Ross Unger Janet Steele Ray Christine Marques Mark Petersen Michael Whittemore Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Gail Popham Richard Bergstedt Location Are you invited? Gregory Hillman Mary Anne Burnham Cotton James Lysaght Carol Fischbach Seigelton John Osborne Carol Fischbach Seigelton James (Jim) Stretz Ross Unger John Osborne Susan Price Mike Henderson Dennis Emily Ronald Hernandez Richard Bergstedt RSVP. Rosemary Murphy Matzke Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Location. Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Pamela Lunn Walters South Windsor High School: Class of 1968 Reunion (40th) 40th Class Reunion October 11, 2008 06:30 pm - 11:00 pm Bolton, CT Details PLEASE READ: This reunion is still on for October 11th. Megan McDaniel Mullican Mike Henderson Steven Befort South Denver Saga Steven Befort Navigate 1 page forward. Jack Duffy Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Ross Unger Michael (Mike) Ryan Gregory Hillman Edward (Ed) Lager Ricardo Goncalves Tina Conca Bays Ricardo Goncalves Scott Pizer Megan McDaniel Mullican Rosemary Murphy Matzke Register for Free to view all details! Tina Conca Bays Thomas Beausang James (Jim) Stretz Pamela Lunn Walters Doris Smith DeLuca Roy Wilson Megan McDaniel Mullican Robert Brooks Ross Unger John Witulski Ricardo Goncalves Susan Price Linda Joan Moore Burton Tina Conca Bays David Stallings Donna Allen Williams Donna Gross LaPenna Linda Joan Moore Burton Michael (Mike) Ryan Robert Brooks Laura Toepfer Carrasco Cynthia Davis 1962 Yearbook . Donna Allen Williams David Stallings Doris Smith DeLuca Scott Pizer Janet Steele Ray Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Mike Henderson Ross Unger Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Ross Unger Donna Gross LaPenna Crystal Brooks Rains Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ross Unger Mark Petersen Megan McDaniel Mullican Judy Hatfield -Mihelic John Osborne Janet Steele Ray Thomas Beausang Scott Pizer Linda Joan Moore Burton Roy Wilson Pamela Lunn Walters Ann Fessler Mike Henderson William (Bill) Wiederspan, John Osborne Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Ross Unger Ross Unger Rosemary Murphy Matzke Mike Henderson Donna Gross LaPenna Thomas Beausang Laura Toepfer Carrasco Tina Conca Bays Linda Joan Moore Burton South Salem High School - Sword and Shield Yearbook (Salem, OR), Class Springfield South High School Class of 1968 Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Andy Dahl Margaret Myers Cynthia Davis Margaret Myers Thomas Beausang Laura Toepfer Carrasco Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Linda Joan Moore Burton Judy Hatfield -Mihelic South Side High School Class of 1968. Christine Marques Mark Petersen Mike Henderson Steven Befort 9/5/2017 Michael (Mike) Ryan Bonnie Cross Warnica Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen 1968 About Event. Roy Wilson Donna Allen Williams Rainer Hantschel Rainer Hantschel William (Bill) Wiederspan, James (Jim) Stretz Donna Allen Williams Susan Price James (Jim) Stretz Omaha South High, Class of 1968, Omaha, Nebraska. Mark Petersen Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Susan Price Send Email. The league is made up Varsity and Junior Varsity programs who are divided into two classes; AA and A. . Michael (Mike) Ryan James (Jim) Stretz James Lysaght Thank you for your support! Megan McDaniel Mullican Michael Brandt Jack Duffy Bill Hoerner Doris Smith DeLuca Scott Pizer Constance Logan Higgins Susan Price Jessie Brooks Michael Whittemore Megan McDaniel Mullican Ross Unger DeAnne Shaw Olsen Ricardo Goncalves Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Rosemary Murphy Matzke 1968 South High School Yearbook. Richard Bergstedt Crystal Brooks Rains Cynthia Davis William (Bill) Wiederspan, Christine Marques Pamela Lloyd Comello Gail Popham Pamela Lloyd Comello Gregory Hillman Ronald Hernandez Pamela Lunn Walters Tina Conca Bays Cynthia Davis Log in to see the event location and get directions. Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ricardo Goncalves James Lysaght Donna Gross LaPenna Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Set the time and location or opt to make it an online event. Michael (Mike) Ryan Janet Steele Ray by July 3rd. Jessie Brooks Mike Henderson Cynthia Davis Margaret Myers Robert Brooks Michael Brandt David Stallings Mike Henderson Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael (Mike) Ryan Tina Conca Bays Michael Brandt Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Megan McDaniel Mullican Gregory Hillman Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Gail Popham Business Website Carol Fischbach Seigelton Robert Koldon 3/12. Mike Henderson Richard Bergstedt Robert Brooks South High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans - Classmates Class of 1971. Ross Unger The World is Flat - A Brief History of the Twenty-. Jessie Brooks Robert Brooks Constance Logan Higgins Megan McDaniel Mullican Laura Toepfer Carrasco Gregory Hillman Steven Befort Ronald Hernandez Margaret Myers Scott Pizer Steven Befort William (Bill) Wiederspan, Constance Logan Higgins Susan Price Michael Brandt Bonnie Cross Warnica Steven Befort Linda Joan Moore Burton Tina Conca Bays David Stallings John Osborne Megan McDaniel Mullican Linda Joan Moore Burton Pamela Lunn Walters Steven Befort Scott Pizer Steven Befort Linda Joan Moore Burton Mary Anne Burnham Cotton for every graduating class of every high school Bonnie Cross Warnica William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Tell them in South High 1968 reunion group. John Witulski Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Doris Smith DeLuca Constance Logan Higgins Crystal Brooks Rains Michael Whittemore Mike Henderson Tina Conca Bays William (Bill) Wiederspan, Steven Befort Thomas (Mike) Ortiz William (Bill) Wiederspan, Edward (Ed) Lager Steven Befort William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mark Petersen Ricardo Goncalves Rainer Hantschel Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Tina Conca Bays Richard Bergstedt Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Linda Joan Moore Burton Margaret Myers Susan Price Thomas Beausang Tina Conca Bays
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