Following Up Your Sponsorship Proposal; Motorsport Sponsorship Guide Finding sponsors and making it to a racing grid year on year, or for the first time, can be a very daunting prospect and is more important than simply offering logos on your livery design. Fast Feb is back but its looking a little different for 2023! Sponsorship can come in a number of flavors, depending on the form of contributions the sponsor makes to the race. the Comrades Marathon or NYC Marathon pages, or an interest, such as "5k running", and note the demographics of people in that audience. By getting your name into the press, your message is spread further than your existing audience. Will you sponsor my race car? But avoid: Well done on getting to your first sponsor meeting! The concept behind FORMULA SAE: A fictional manufacturing company has contracted a student design team to develop a. small Formula-style race car. Yes, the sponsor may recommend a few of their own ideas or recommend you nix certain belongings or activations. Podcast 041: How to Use Email Sponsorship Templates, Podcast 022: How to Close a Sponsorship Deal, Podcast 018: How to Handle Objections in the Pitch Process, Podcast 014: Sales Tips for Racing Drivers. Is your account popular How many Thousands of followers do you have? Simply putting a name out doesnt always mean it will come back as added revenue for a company. *} Here's a Pro Tip: look at the other karts on the track to see what kind of sponsorships they have and then take note of it. s !1A"3Qa5RSTrt#$2BqUb Do you have a very popular online presence? %PDF-1.4 % This means trying to figure out: Listen. Simple One Page Lease AgreementA Lease Agreement is a contract between a landlord and the . Dear Sponsor Man, Can you sponsor me? When I was doing a lot of commissioned artwork, I gave some discounted drawings as sponsorships on promises of displaying at car shows, handing out business cards, spreading the word, etc. Without primetime TV coverage, how will people see your sponsors name/product? Sponsorship is much more than whether or not your car is a good platform to showcase their parts. And, as always here at Race Directors HQ, we start from ground zero Let's start with what sponsorship isn't. There are plenty of people (often very young) who show up with that intent. It is in that follow-up meeting, also known as a discovery session, that you and the sponsor will be discussing your sponsor's needs and how a sponsorship of your event could help meet them. Sponsorships help defray these costs. Will they be seen as an innovator in their company if the sponsorship succeeds? How to Get a Go-Kart Racing Sponsorship (Important - GoKartGuide We are a Military Team that runs in Michigan . Go to download 1341x1757, Sponsorship Levels Very Sponsorship Proposal Format - Sponsorship Package Template PNG image now. Strongly Disagree 0.44%. These should not be too frequent, but frequent enough to make sure sponsors are kept up to speed with the successful delivery (or upcoming delivery) of key sponsorship initiatives. Once you have identified suitable organizations to target, you need to find the best person to contact within the organization to discuss your sponsorship proposal. You and any potential sponsors need to work together to achieve what you both need. Step 3: Give a detailed overview of the audience, markets and overall media reach of the event. The prototype race car is to be evaluated for its potential . How do I write a sponsorship proposal? Do not plead. Since racing takes such a personal investment it means everyone at the club level are willing to make great personal sacrifices to be there Were all committed. Take pictures of you, your team and your car. Bring your own food to Track Days Save money while eating better. It takes only a couple of minutes. How to Use the Right Marketing Tool to Get the Sponsors You Want Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. This is a business relationship and there must be a clear concise understanding of expectations, timelines and returns. The guidance document for our template will help you work out what the business benefits are of hospitality, track days, on-car branding and more. Sponsorship Application. How to Get Racing Sponsors: 7 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Life People regularly contact him asking for free parts in exchange for running a couple stickers. If you have any comments or suggestions for improving our race sponsorship guide, we'd love to hear them. stream Feel free to drop Racing Mentor a message on social media if you have any questions. Thank the letter reader for his or her time and include all of your contact information. I could not find the sports car of my dreams anywhere. For example, if youre targeting fitness brands, the decision-maker will want to see that youre a source of inspiration and advice for your audience. There are tons of Martini and Gulf liveried vehicles in Club racing, but Id guess that not a single one is doing it as a sponsorship. This all comes down to value. Download. The term influencer is relatively new, but the concept has been around for advertisers for a long time. Look through the instructions to learn which data you must give. I know they did what they promised, but handing out business cards and putting my sticker on their car wasnt effective enough to warrant any future involvement as a sponsor. It's time to submit your sponsorship proposal. startxref Modern-day motorsport sponsorship is all about standing out. Yet you can derive nearly all the same benefits. Use a word processing program or design software to intersperse the digital photographs you took throughout the letter. Keep that in mind when frustration sets in along the way. This is why: Keeping that in mind, if it comes down to a price negotiation, your first instinct should be to try to increase sponsorship than dropping your sponsorship price. We are currently pursing sponsorship for the upcoming race season, and we can create a package to suit your. For example, if youre outgoing, love fitness, and do a lot of drifting, your presence on social media is going to be very different from someone who is a property developer moving through single-seater racing. Mindset Performance Coach Craig Muirhead looks at the advantages of flow-state thinking for drivers and riders. Getting sponsorship in motorsport requires dedication but a lot of drivers are still doing the same things that once worked and now dont. Although you've come a long way its still easy to get undone at this stage by the two cardinal sins of sponsor-seeking: Yes, copying your last sponsorship proposal and editing your sponsor's name and company details is tempting - it will definitely save you a lot of time. Getting a renewal for a second year comes down to one small thing: Did you help your sponsor reach its goals? [1] 2. All sponsors are encouraged to attend racing events. %&'()*46789:CDEFGHIJVWXYZcdefghijsuvwxyz ? Similarly, a racing sponsorship proposal is a document that a racing team presents to some individual or a business to get sponsorship from them. If you want to run in one of the very few racing series that do get sponsors and prize money? Faith Motorsports takes great pride in making sure each sponsor's expectations are greatly exceeded. The racing team approaches a mid to high scale business organization asking them for sponsorship. Consider trade magazines, local newspapers, and blogs too. Your sponsors would base their decision on how you're going to help them in exchange for their support. In return, the racer gives the organization publicity and extras, such as personal appearances. Motorsport sponsorship has changed over the years and this guide will show you exactly what you need to do to find success. Leg Daddy Racing Sponsorship Proposal - SlideShare Fast shipping, quality parts. Collect this information together when it comes to talking about renewal. . (Sponsorship activation involves all the initiatives the sponsor would undertake to best leverage the sponsorship assets you offer, e.g. 68 11 The people who get sponsors often arent the fastest or best drivers, they are the people who can get the most positive attention for the advertiser. NO! Many people think sponsorship is easy: Company A writes you a big check for the honor of putting their sticker on your car because you won a race or two. . Businesses who sponsor drivers will pay money or provide free (or more likely, discounted) parts, expecting that the advertising you do for them will earn back their investment and then some. Race Directors Hub. Match those goals with what you can offer. Most reputable sponsors want to see a return on their investment, so it is of paramount importance to write a detailed race car sponsorship proposal. In return, the business organization gets the necessary advertisement and promotion which increases its brand awareness and reach. It will be worth it. From NASCAR, to Club Racing, to go-karting. Sponsorship announcements throughout race season. Similarly, a racing sponsorship proposal is a document that a racing team presents to some individual or a business to get sponsorship from them. If you regularly finish well in races, contingency sponsorship may go a long way to offsetting your costs but the vast majority of your budget will be coming from your own pocket. You dont show up to a job interview in flip flops with photos to show on your phone to showcase. 2011 Team Racing Sponsorship Proposal Our desire . Tell us about the class you run. Print out the letter and mail it or hand-deliver it to the potential sponsor. Include methods like cheque, e-transfer, PayPal, etc. There are plenty of great articles, podcasts, and books directly pertaining to creating a good. If, on the other hand, this is your first year working with the sponsor, focus on execution and delivery, not on trying to squeeze the most out of your sponsorship. We believe auto racing sponsorship can offer a significant foundation from To do this create content that gets people asking questions, create challenges that get people working towards a goal, or host events that gather your community in one place. We actually prefer the former as it is more visual and helps you think harder about keeping the content concise, but in the end it doesn't really matter which one you go with. Work from the outlines you prepared to include all of the important details. Racing Sponsorships. 0 Because if a sponsor actively invites sponsorship requests you can be sure that: Luckily for you, we've put together the largest database of current direct-application sponsorship opportunities, featuring dozens of potential sponsors from all different kinds of industries. Expect to promise a specific number of race appearances, shows, online presence, blog posts, etc. The experience gained is certainly valuable, but there arent any NASCAR Scouts at club road racing events, and IMSA teams wont be impressed if you finish mid pack of a 5 car field. smoga07 What is the sponsor trying to get out of a potential sponsorship of your event? This sponsorship proposal also highlights information about driver profiles and the schedule calendar of drag car racing events. Sell yourself, but do not offer things you cannot deliver, such as offering to feature the sponsor's logo exclusively if you are reaching out to other potential sponsors. Kyle Busch proposes Anheuser-Busch with NASCAR sponsorship Why you do it. Free Sponsorship Proposal Template Luxury 10 Best Of Racing Sponsorship Many more also emulate a classic livery because it looks really cool, without any form of compensation. . So I built it myself-Ferdinand Porsche. Steps. Drag Racing Sponsorship Proposal Template - Get Free Templates Edit your sponsorship agreement team online. It is obvious that every sponsorship is made with the viewpoint of getting benefits in return. Its so much easier to close a sale with someone youve already built a rapport with. <> It's now time to decide whom to approach and how to get them interested in sponsoring your race. Make a list of every racing expense you incurred over the past season and tally the entries. Firmly Settle Your Offers. Have a question? The relevant terms and conditions of the sponsorship must be included in your racing sponsorship proposal. This figure represents what a sponsor would cover in an ideal situation, although you will likely need more than one sponsorship to cover the total. Ask yourself these questions to see if a proposal template is right for you or if you should have a crack at creating your own. Make sure to stay in touch with your sponsor throughout the season, even when youre not actively working on something for them. %PDF-1.3 And you can use it to find sponsors for your event through our Sponsor Finder tool. We work together, help each-other out, and do all we can to make sure well have a great race. Dont expect to be sponsored for long. Don't feel like you need to include a shiny proposal document in the first instance. FREE 10+ Automotive Sponsorship Proposal Samples in PDF | MS Word Try reframing any negative thoughts into something more positive. Treat your Race Team as a Business. Are your posts in line with the companys current message? Sure theres potential for tax write-offs and creative accounting, but dont bank on any of that. @JP)^~")x&d=AALKTbh;}R3qbf>T;T9+x~_e]p5| .FH+&. Sample page from the Racing Mentor proposal template. Go in with no agenda, otherwise, itll come across as disingenuous. 1. Your almost there! Time and time again on this blog I repeat the famous quote: The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a big one. There just arent many any ways to compete in this hobby and make money while doing so. F1 and NASCAR have lucrative TV deals and sell out stadium seating with exorbitant ticket prices club racing may have incredibly competitive (and more pure, IMO) racing, but even with free admission there are never more than a few people in the stands (Who are almost always drivers in other classes, crew, or people directly related to drivers). Podcast 036: How to Have Fun With Your Content, Podcast 001: The importance of a strong brand, Video How to find a hook to attract sponsors. Consider yourself as a marketing agency pitching to a business. Since you are racing for the fun and bragging rights, you arent usually considering wrecking competitors to get by. If you're directing races, chances are you have a long and bitter history struggling with race sponsorship. What makes you different from any other person? Explain up front that you are seeking sponsorship for your racing team and that the organization will find the proposal attached. Be consistent post regularly and stay on brand. Figure out what you can offer to a potential sponsor. Create a portfolio, be presentable and professional. <> % You need to think about why a business would spend money to sponsor you. So when you do get a sponsor on board it pays hugely to invest in keeping them happy. With all this information, it should be easy to write a pitch that really speaks to the business and its goals. AB-InBev, the parent company reported 54.3 billion in profit during 2012. This might seem like a long process but it makes it so much easier to turn to those contacts when you need sponsorship or see an opportunity. Tell us about it. This is by far the most useful and engaging type of proposal and the kind the template will help you create.