It is common to get sluggish in any work after a while. Let us catch them alive and keep them alive in the dynamic fellowship of the church. AMP. Launch Out Into The Deep "When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch." Luke 5:4 NKJV Two weeks ago I ticked one item off my bucket list. Luke 5:4 Launch Out Into The Deep Blessings - Destiny Devotionals This is the act of complete surrender. Like Peter we have fished too long in the unproductive shallow waters of human efforts. 1 2 3 Next LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP Luke 5:1-6 But we dont catch fish! They wanted to hear Him speak, and perhaps many of them had heard how he had been healing all . Luke 5:4. What a perfect week for a first service. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. Peter learned the techniques perfectly. It means you leave the shallows behind fully surrendered to the directions of the Captain. As the omniscient God, He knows us better than we know ourselves. He wants to increase your impact on other people. LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP! | Treasure Pathfinder Launch out launch out into the deep. Our June issue featured their differing views (under pseudonyms) on Christ's human nature. This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal. Sometimes, God calls us to get in over our heads Launching out into the deep requires you go deeper in your faith, hope, and trust in God. Expect His Harvest. Launch Out Into the Deep In Luke 5:1-7 we find the account of Jesus teaching on Lake Gennesaret, and afterwards of the disciples launching out and letting down their nets for a draft of fish.. And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were . It is still possible to be part of a great work of God. God gave the clearance to Go and to launch out into the deep. But you may be thinking, How do I know God can do the same thing in my life? He looked at Peter and said, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (v. 4). . Anytime Andrew was put on the spot, he'd defer to someone else and let them take the heat. God guarantees the results when the church and its leadership in obedience and faith accept and implement Christ's evangelistic strategy. Remaining in the shallow waters of small soul-winning objectives is a tragic denial of our sublime mission! He knew how, when, and where to fish. The result was a catch of fish Peter had never seen before, so much that the boat began to sink (vs. 6-7). We must come to a place where we believe and put into practice the knowledge that our God can do anything, but fail. In this message, Pastor Franklin tells us three specific ways God wants to bring the fish into our lives. "Launch out into the deep.". The son of international evangelist Morris Cerullo, David took a less traditional approach to ministry, graduating from Oral Roberts University with a degree in business administration and management. Food banks found themselves thrust into the spotlight back in 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic stealing jobs and creating a staggering . Gods telling us directly that His will is for us to prosper. . How do we develop this level of faith? When this is done we may watch in breathtaking wonder as hundreds of sinners saved by God's trans forming grace enter the fellowship of the church. Peters step of faith and obedience turned out to be a pivotal moment, transforming not just the outcome of that day, but his entire life after that: When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking (v. 6). Learn how your comment data is processed. When Christ releases you into a new season, He gives you specific direction and instruction for success. On the behalf of Christ Himself, Peter would call people to their Saviour. Time's clock has struck the hour when the church must embark upon a new revolutionary Spirit-led soul-winning adventure of unprecedented magnitude. "Launch out into the Deep!" Prayer Day 7 Read Luke 5:4-11 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. At first, Peter protested, saying, Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Yet, despite his frustration over past failures and disappointments, Peter decided to obey Jesus instruction: Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (v. 5). Required fields are marked *. But Jesus cared about people more than He cared about comfort. Launch Out Into the Deep Paperback - Illustrated, May 2, 2013 . Not only did they catch fish during the day in deep waters, they caught so many fish that their net was breaking and they had to get their partners to come and help them. But many, alas! Stay in ministry. Trust His Word. All rights reserved. Peter wanted to correct this rabbi, but he had spoken with such authority that he simply said Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (Luke 5:5). Moody Radio is a Christian radio network that helps you take the next step in your journey with Jesus Christ by creating and delivering practical and life-changing content. Gods voice comes to those who are expecting and ready to hear from Him. Let down your nets in our context means multiplying our tools, reproduceable events, curriculum, trainings, teachings, across many portions of the body of Christ in a variety of nations. Peter, as a fisherman knew that the right time to fish was at night. In fact, listening to Jesus teach made the tedious work of washing nets go faster. When we are willing to follow Christ into deep, unfamiliar waters, we will have closer fellowship with Him. After toiling all night without success, it seemed hopeless to cast the net by day; but Jesus had given the command, and love for their Master moved the disciples to obey. Psalm 34: 8-10 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. It is still Gods will to use you in the salvation of others. Jesus finished His message and turned once again to Peter. "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing" (Vs 5) 3. (Ps 42:7). Maybe, youve been casting your nets, in the wrong place or youve been casting at the wrong time. God Bless you, your family and Ministry. Helpful. Would you like to launch out? Though Peter was discouraged and uncertain about Jesus request, he nevertheless obeyed His instructions and was rewarded for it greatly. Ask the Lord what he wants you to do. If I'm going to catch fish as a fisherman, the best time is the night. Let us always remember that the basic priority of the church is aggressive evangelism. Self centred prayers. He wouldnt be pricing new boats or scouting out more partners. Peters decision to launch out was purposed obedience. Christ called Peter and his folks to an experience that would impact their lives and their world forever; a change of level, a life that harvests men souls. There is great potential in you! It is high time to abandon our cozy harbors of complacency, self-satisfaction, and undisturbed religious contentment as we launch out into the deep of soul-winning action. Maybe youve been splashing around in the shallows of faith for too long. The Lord is our treasure and pearl of great price that we have to go after this year at all costs. Don't limit yourself by limiting God. Even before Kelly and I were married, when a group of us were just starting SVM2 many years ago, God gave Kelly this verse for the beginning activities and stages of SVM2. The zeal at which you launch out determines the level of harvest to come to you. Written by Gerry Blitz '"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Thanks and God bless you. Do you hear Gods Word? Launching out into the deep is Christ's exclusive strategy for prolific church growth. With statistics like these, is it any wonder that American Christians are stagnant and cold, with little spark of revival? Sunday 1st Service: 08:30am - 10:00am | Sunday 2nd Service: 10:30am - 12:30pm | Wednesdays Service: 7:00pm - 8:30pm | @ 1771 Bond Street Regina, SK. The Lord is telling us to go DEEPER to trust Him more so He can direct us to His coming harvest in our lives. Great things will happen only as we launch forward in our service to Christ. A total surrender towards God. Sow a seed of faith today! The best lies in the deep. We too have worked hard over the years, believing a great mission mobilization movement is around the corner. Often when people hear her voice or name they realize that she has already been a daily inspiration to them via the airwaves. We have the right to expect Gods blessing in our lives, but first, we have to maximize the full capacity of our faith. Launch Out Into The Deep 02/26/2023 - YouTube Barrigada, GU 96921 In many churches the church school requires a major portion of the overall budget, yet its work is viewed as separate from the church itself. It is a call to set in motion a new tidal wave of soul-winning action that will engulf every town, village, city, and country in this world with the redeeming message of the everlasting gospel. However, your faith is not strengthened and your blessings are not miraculous. Launch Out into the Deep | He wants to bless you so abundantly that it far surpasses any blessing youve experienced in the past. This is precisely what God is expecting to do for His church during Harvest '90. A great breakthrough is on the horizon in and through our work. ?when you want something, He is going to multiply your efforts. Go deeper in prayer and make an awesome connection with God. Serving in inner cities, seeking out wounded souls, and ministering to shattered lives isnt always easy, nor is it comfortable. If success humbles you, then failure will build you up. As Peter bowed in the presence of Jesus, the Lord brought it all together for Peter, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.. In these end-times Christ is calling His modern disciples to "launch out into the deep, and let down" for the catch. by Anita F. Mason (Author) 4.2 out of 5 stars 10 ratings. The deep is where the harvest is. What Jesus had just asked Peter to do was contrary to all of Peters training and experience. We can lament the state of our nation and the multitudes of lost people around us, or we can roll up our sleeves, hoist the sails, and launch out into the deep. Your generous gift will help us impact others for Christ through our global salvation outreach and other faith based initiatives. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Yes, all God needs is obedient, available lives, and He will arrange the details and fill the gospel net as we cast it into the deep by faith. How do we know when and where to launch out? As in the case of the disciples, the time has come for the whole church to unite and coordinate all its spiritual and material resources in a united campaign to evangelize the world for Christ. Jesus told Simon to launch out into the deep and let his nets down for a catch. It is no longer an empty boat, but rather two boats loaded with fish to the point of sinking. . After Jesus stopped speaking, he asked Peter to. Launch Out Into The Deep - Sherry Stahl Get a Soul H2O Devotional Book Sampler when signing up! We must renew our commitment to stay the course in seeing the global Church mobilized and equipped for cross-cultural mission through the lens of abandoned devotion to Jesus. Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. But, you must be prepared to launch out into the deep for your harvest of miracles and blessings. For the Church | Launch Out into the Deep - When Simon launched out into the deep, and let down his nets, there were so many fish that came into the nets that it was beginning to break the nets. When she prayed about which book to write first she was 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Put Out Into the Deep: The New Evangelization - Catholic Online They laughed and called him Simon which means shifting sand But Jesus called him Peter which means rock. But under the direct command of Jesus, Peter turned from his logic and staked everything on Jesus word. Shalom! When Christ released the word, "Launch", Peter's toiling season had officially ended and his drought was over. The Lord says renew your vision, passion, single-mindedness. You may have toiled for years, perhaps decades, months or even days No matter how long youve beentoiling when God declares your Launch season is here, your toiling officially ends and your success begins. "Launch out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). Before Peter knew it, Jesus had stepped on his boat and charged him to put out a little from the land so that He could sit down and teach the crowd. Read LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP by ANITA F MASON with a free trial. The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine > Lyrics | Albert B. Simpson Sue has had a calling to write books for many years. (Hosea 7:14) Avoid lip service. 1 Corinthians 2:9. Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep Tags: Prayer points on Launch out into the deep meaning, Prayer points from Luke 5, Launch into the deep sermon, Harvest of launching out into the deep, Prayer Points on Luke 5 6, Scriptures for supernatural turnaround, Biblical meaning of launch, Launch out into the deep KJV, Into the deep in the Bible, Examples of breakthrough in the Bible, Launch in the Bible, Lord of the breakthrough sermon, Supernatural turnaround sermon, Put out into the deep water sermon. His request this time was astounding: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a drought (Luke 5:4). But to launch out into the deep is to move away from the comfort of the shoreline. Your success is attached to your obedience. The disciples caught such an impressive number of fish that their nets began to break (Luke 5:6, N.I.V.). And He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed (asked) him that he would thrust out a little from the land. But because you say so, I will let down the nets' " (Luke 5:5, N.I.V.). When we read the Word we come to learn that the Holy Spirit prays for us and also teaches , and reveals to us the Mind of God ,and what His will is in our lives. Like Peter, our response to Gods Word will either invite His blessing and power, or it will hinder it. He simply says this to Simon in a way, again that could have easily been disregarded, and in fact Simon objects at first. launching definition: 1. present participle of launch 2. to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new. Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone? In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. 3: Launching Out into the Deep, Part 3. Now, it was up to Peter to trust God for the promised harvest and his future success. While battling his own demons, E. A. Simmons has dug deep within himself to understand other people's view of the universe they live in, their own reality, their own thoughts. LAUNCHING OUT INTO THE DEEP - Holy Ghost Service LAUNCHING OUT INTO THE DEEP IN OUR COMMITMENT TAKES FAITH AND EFFORT: IT MAY GO AGAINST OUR INITIAL WILL! What should you do if the problem with your faith is that it has been sitting on the display cabinet, instead of being used? The command to "launch out into the deep" is addressed to the laity as well as to all categories of denominational workers. Icy winds. Start your day together with God and the GOD TV team. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Now on the surface, Jesus was giving this particular bit of instruction only to Peter, but in reality, it could be applied to our lives as well. Thank you. 9:37-38. Christians who set out for the deep but then lose their forward momentum for Christ become confused in their walk with God. God will reward you and the Ministry for what you have been doing to fulfill the Great Commission. It's your season of bountiful harvest for the kingdom. Launch Out into the Deep | Open the Bible All these are dangerous prayer trends for a Christian. Do you wonder how God might bless your obedience? With Ella-Rae Smith, Jessica Alexander, Matthew Daddario, Nikkita Chadha. I am a beneficiary and an Almin of the School of Great Harvest and implimentng the same here in Kenya. Alvin Slaughter - Launch Out Lyrics | Genius Lyrics It's a command. I was also aware it had ramifications for the new decade. It wasnt the result of throwing logic to the wind and following his inner dreams. This knowledge will enable us to stay the course, no matter the circumstances or distractions swirling about us. Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing.. That you've never been before. God is anxiously waiting to bring about a similar experience for His church today. We are called to do our part (launch out and let down our nets), trusting God to do His part (bring a great catch of fish, which in our context means local ministries raised up as Great Commission Ministries around the world), reminding Him of His promise in these verses to do so. Though Peter had toiled all night, catching nothing, when Jesus timing was right, the great haul of fish was brought in. Vance K. Jackson Jr. is a graduate of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor holding both Masters (MSW) and Bachelors Degrees. The passage clearly indicates that when the disciples had let down the nets into the deep as Christ had instructed, "they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. If he was unsure about his life purpose before, he wasnt now. Jesus is constantly calling us to launch out into deeper waters. When Jesus stopped speaking, he looked at Peter and in verse 4 said, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.". Ministry Magazine | Launch out into the deep Luke 5:1 "On one occasion, while Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret with the crowd pressing in on Him to hear the word of God, 2He saw two boats at the edge of the lake. Remember Gideon? He serves faithfully on the leadership team of Word of Life Christian Ministries in Downtown Detroit, MI as an Assistant Pastor, along with his beautiful wife, Assistant Pastor Nina Jackson. Wayne and Sue Detweiler relocated to Frisco Texas (a growing community north of Dallas) to plant and pastor Life Bridge Churchwhich meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 am at The Roots 6142 Frisco Square, Frisco, TX, 75035. Romans 10:17 provides a clear answer: So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.. "Command to Launch Out into deep" (Vs 4) 2. The Lords timing is a crucial concept to understand in this process. The obvious is pray: Sweeping religious, social, political, and economic changes are taking place all over the world with startling implications for the church in the accomplishment of its divine commission. It costs to launch out into the deep. And when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. This is what is means to "launch out into the deep," for when we answer Our Saviour's invitation to join Him in the depths of the true and authentic spiritual life, when we cast our nets into unknown waters, trusting in the words of the Master, we will have our own miraculous catch of fish. What a dramatic change! Launch Out into the Deep - Wave Church His father was Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. We dont merely limp along casually, faithful to the work, yet not really believing a breakthrough is coming. This is Gods expectation of every life, a life of fruitfulness borne out of obedience and absolute dependence on His words. At Jesus' command they let down their nets once more. Launch out into the deep. To demonstrate his obedience to the Master Fisherman, he unhesitatingly let down the net and in faith awaited the results. How Do We Launch Things Into Space? - NASA Like Peters disappointing night of fishing, our attempts to serve the Lord in our strength will yield empty nets every time. Because of the pull of Earth's gravity, largest, heaviest spacecraft need the biggest rockets and the most propellent. When we follow Him He takes full responsibility in making us fishers of men (Matt. Simon Peter was so overwhelmed by the supernaturally abundant catch of fish, that he fell at Jesus knees and said, Master, leave. This command was rich with significance. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. If you're a Christian and you want to follow God and obey him and make a difference in your life and see the power of God in your life there's a launching out that needs to happen first. "Launch out into the deep." Those were the words that the Lord Jesus spoke to Peter after a long night of work ( see Luke 5 ), during which Peter labored and toiled to catch fish but had come up empty. Experiencing Jesus authority on display, Peter fell to his knees in worship and surrender, following Jesus as a disciple (vs. 11). Those words are as relevant today as when Jesus spoke them to his disciples almost 2,000 years ago. In our case, this refers to local ministries being mobilized and equipped to directly engage the unreached in multiple ways, including sending Message Bearer Teams to the unreached, to both near and distant cultures. Christ calls us out of our depth. Gideon experienced the truth that faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. But we sit on the dock attempting to catch fish in shallow waters. Just like Peter and the other disciples trusted Him for their harvest, He wants us to trust Him for an incredible breakthrough in our lives. Peter, the professional fisherman, had employed all the techniques and expertise of his fishing trade. In prayer, shallow Christians cannot access the imaginative, creative, understanding and emotional connection to our Creator. . This story ends with a beautiful statement that is often overlooked: They forsook all and followed Him (v. 11). The third result of launching out into the deep is that extraordinary productivity produces extraordinary challenges. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Lancaster Baptist Church and Pastor Paul Chappell. We proclaim the Word to all cultures and generations by addressing today's issues from a biblical worldview. As the church swiftly approaches the hour of sunset, launching out into the deep must become the trademark of every Adventist congregation, institution, industry, and organization. He wants you to Launch Out Into the Deep. I can imagine Peters thoughts behind those words. In the world today, there is great confusion, instability, fear, and uncertainty in people's hearts. 4Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 4:19). God created man with a unique type of strength. The greatest opportunities for ministry often are, humanly speaking, the most distasteful. 5And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Peter could obey Jesus and launch out, or he could follow his senses and decline. "Night was the only favorable time for fishing with nets in the clear waters of the lake. Friend, as this year continues to unfold, youll see that your Heavenly Father wants to multiply your blessings. But because He recognized something unique in Jesus he wisely obeyed (vs. 5). That's because he was too small in his thinking. This explains why Jesus' instruction to Peter was that he should launch his net into the deep. But you can only be a fisher of men if you will follow Christ with unrestrained obedienceif you will pull up your anchor and untie your rope from the dock. Before anything great will be accomplished for Christ, we must make the decision to launch out at His command. We launch satellites and spacecraft into space by putting them on rockets carrying tons of propellants. This is Gods message for YOU today: You havent seen anything yet! Be ready to launch into the deep for life changing experience. See our. The Mercy of God is an Ocean Divine (Launch Out Into the Deep) God bless you. The master key to genuine evangelistic explosion in the Adventist Church is clearly expressed in Peter's unhesitating response to Christ's order to "launch out into the deep." It's time to wake up and make our dreams come true Time is always moving and it will not wait for you. Launch Out Into the Deep - Sermons Online You have entered an incorrect email address! And such is expressed in every verse of his poems. The most awesome challenge of all to God's people in this crisis hour is how to arouse, recruit, train, and mobilize the total laity in a systematic plan of evangelizing the exploding population of this world.
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