On the lines provided, revise each of the following run-on sentences by (1) making two sentences or (2) using a comma and a coordinating conjunction to make a compound sentence. Explain. In January 1834 Douglass was sent to William Freelands farm. Consequently, Douglass spent his first years in Massachusetts working as a common labourer. He served on Howard Universitys board of trustees from 1871 to 1895. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. address to the Rochester Ladies Anti-Slavery Society for the Fourth of July celebrations in 1852, when Explain. Douglass was owned by Capt. They were just treated like animals and didn't understand what I meant to be celebrated. Abraham Lincoln to advocate for better pay and conditions for the soldiers. Douglass then supported Black male suffrage with the idea that Black men could help women secure the right to vote later. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within Douglass would publish two additional newspapers during his life, Douglass Monthly (185963) and New National Era (187074). The Latin prefix counter- comes from the Latin contra and means, "against." "Certainly," said Mr. Lincoln. In the narrative, Douglass gives a picture about the humiliation, brutality, and pain that slaves go through. these values (citizens) with those who Explain. Examine the second to last paragraph of this chapter. His talents contributed to the rise of antislavery sentiments in public consciousness. Pennington. Americans in the United States through a prolific writing and speaking career. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is told in the __________ tense, from a ___________ point of view. Mr. Lincoln pressed his hand warmly, saying: "Mr. Douglass, I am glad to meet you. Updates? The tone of the passage refers to how the writer or author describes the topic's or story's sentiments and attitude. That cheerful eye, under the influence of slavery, soon became red with rage; that. Americans cannot truly celebrate freedom when millions of to the professions of the present, the conduct of the What Was Frederick Douglasss Position on Womens Rights? The banks failure harmed his reputation, but Douglass worked with the U.S. Congress to remedy the damage caused by the bank. Throughout the narrative, he uses rhetorical devices to . Douglass disagreed with the Harrison administrations approach, preferring to promote the autonomy of the Haitian government. Then he states, "and it is the wish of most masters to keep their slaves thus ignorant." Why would most slave masters want this?, Toward the bottom . Q. advertise, bunt, arrest, shoot and kill. In New Bedford he discovered William Lloyd Garrisons abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator. There are many tones observed in this narrative. these values with those who cannot informs the reader that 4. The threat of capture, as well as the books excellent performance in Europe, prompted Douglass to travel abroad from August 1845 to 1847, and he lectured throughout the United Kingdom. what is douglass tone in the second paragraph marana middle school sports June 29, 2022. Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was an abolitionist publisher and orator in the anti-slave movement. not? to lend credibility and additional support to their conclusion, WORD STUDY most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a In paragraph 7, Didion suggests an association between which of the following pairs as . Some of his other writings include . Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. In the first paragraph Douglass writes, "By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs" (p.1). It was at moments such as this that the reader saw a glimpse of the mood, tone and theme. Douglass argues that slavery has a horrible effect and it is a bad thing. this very hour. Douglass emerged from the incident determined to protect himself from any physical assault from anyone in the future. (Declaration of Independence) In the second paragraph, which of the following introduces a qualifier? What does he mean by the "condition of mothers" and in what way do "the children of slave womenfollow the condition of their mothers"? Douglass' underlying tone is bitter, especially about his white father creating him and then abandoning him to slavery. 3. I wish I could describe the rapture that flashed through my soul as I beheld it. It has been seven years since Douglass lived with Master Thomas Auld, and Douglass is soon reminded of the cruel spirit of Thomas and his wife. According to Douglass, the children of white masters and female slaves generally receive . independence only reveals the immeasurable distance Frederick Douglass was a prolific writer and a masterful orator who captivated readers and listeners throughout the U.S. and Great Britain. greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty reproach before God and the world. The tone of Girl is loving, caring, but strict. Identify particular word or phrasing choices that support that tone. against the 1. To forget them, to pass over their wrongs, and What is the effect of this tone on his of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting." Douglass recalls the Captain frequently whipping Douglass's Aunt Hester. He explains that slaveholders often impregnate their female slaves. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania director Peyton Reed dove into the film's second post-credits scene, which included an MCU veteran ahead of his next appearance.. Ant-Man 3 brought a wild reunion for Jonathan Majors' Kang and Tom Hiddleston's Loki in the movie's second post-credits scene - their second interaction after the God of Mischief met He Who Remains in Loki Season 1. What was Frederick Douglasss childhood like? Jamaica uses literary devices to achieve the tone. The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of seven public debates in 1858 between Republican challenger Abraham Lincoln and incumbent Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the first paragraph Douglass writes, "By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs" (p.1). He spent his formative years with his maternal grandmother, Betsey Bailey, who had the responsibility of raising young enslaved children. The follow is a very short excerpt The growing opposition to slavery, by both slaves and their white sympathizers, eventually culminated in a determined abolitionist movement that highlighted the plight of so many and galvanized public opinion against an appalling institution. major conflict Douglass struggles to free himself, mentally and physically, from slavery. disgust that an enslaved Black individual feels because of their The tone of the second paragraph is regretful. (The best source for the events in Douglasss life is Douglass himself in his oratory and writings, especially his three autobiographies, the details of which have been checked when possible and have largely been confirmed, though his biographers have contributed corrections and clarifications.) He also emphasizes the great to highlight their knowledge of Scottish philosophers 2. "The spirot of Lincoln's words inspire awe," wrote White. Hope and fear, two contradictory emotions that influence us all, convicted Frederick Douglass to choose life over death, light over darkness, and freedom over sin. audience? B. counterforce Douglass's account of his determination of self-education is fraught with pain and peril but filled with hope. Basing the newspaper in Rochester ensured that The North Star did not compete with the distribution of The Liberator and the National Anti-Slavery Standard in New England. The American Anti-Slavery Society supported moral suasion abolition, the belief that slavery was a moral wrong that should be resisted through nonviolent means. Throughout the narrative, Douglass truly lets his emotions run wild whether it was from telling his brutal experiences while enslaved or his famous speeches that really questioned what your view of freedom is. Douglass' utter astonishment (line 143) likely arises from his belief that people in the North are not as sensitive as southerners people in the North have the advantage of an outsider's perspective people in the North are not as sensitive as southerners and people in the North have the advantage of an outsider's perspective What is the effect of this tone on his . (Declaration of Independence) The second paragraph includes each of the following except, (Declaration of Independence) In the first two paragraphs (prior to the listing of "facts"), Jefferson appeals to each of the following values except, (Declaration of Independence) The speaker's tone might best be described as, (DuBois) The rhetorical function of the first sentence of the passage is to, (DuBois) The first paragraph contains all of the following rhetorical techniques except, (DuBois) The function of the sentence "Three things characterized this religion of the slave,- the Preacher, the Music, and the Frenzy" is to, Provide the structure of the rest of the passage, (DuBois) In order to characterize the Preacher in the sentence "A leader, a politician, an orator, a 'boss,' and intriguer, an idealist,- all these he is," the writer uses, (DuBois) In context, the word "plaintive" in line 33 most nearly means, (DuBois) The tone of the sentence "The Music of Negro religion is that plaintive rhythmic melody" can best be described as, (DuBois) The pronoun "it" in line 37 refers to, (DuBois) The structure of the passage starting with the second paragraph, just after the introductory paragraph, moves, To the most important part of "Negro religion" (a climax), (DuBois) The sentence "It varied in expression" uses the following rhetorical device to mimic the frenzy of sounds, (DuBois) The tone of the passage as a whole can best be described as, (Harriet Jacobs) The rhetorical function of the personification of the lash and the foul talk in paragraph one is to, Show the powerlessness of the slave girls, (Harriet Jacobs) In the line "When she is fourteen or fifteen" the number of people who can exert power over the slave girl is stressed by, (Harriet Jacobs) The rhetorical function of the syntax of the last two sentences of paragraph one is, The short sentence as the end shows the finality of her conclusion regardless of the options described in the longer sentence before it, (Harriet Jacobs) In context, the word "vitiated" in line 14 most nearly means, (Harriet Jacobs) The anecdote in paragraph two is mainly meant to illustrate, (Harriet Jacobs) The primary mode of composition of paragraph two is, (Harriet Jacobs) The thesis of the passage is most clearly stated in the following line, "I can testify, from my own experience and observation", (Harriet Jacobs) All of the following words are used figuratively except, (Harriet Jacobs) The tone of the final paragraph can best be described as, (Harriet Jacobs) The appeal to pathos in this passage is achieved by, Provocative diction, figurative language, and first-person accounts of experiences and observations (I, II, and III), (Shakespeare) The primary mode of composition of the first paragraph is, (Shakespeare) The sentence "If we require the originality which consists in weaving" is the following type of sentence, (Shakespeare) The sentence "The greatest genius is the most indebted man" can best be described as an example of, (Shakespeare) In context, the word "rattlebrain" in line 8 most nearly means, (Shakespeare) The sentence "A poet is no rattlebrain" contains an example of, (Shakespeare) Paragraph two contains all of the following rhetorical strategies except, (Shakespeare) The second paragraph is developed through the use of examples to prove the claim that above all else geniuses are, (Shakespeare) The sentence "He finds two counties groping to bring coal" uses all of the following rhetorical techniques except, (Shakespeare) The major claim of the passage is best stated in which of the following lines, "Great genial power, one would almost say", (Shakespeare) The tone of the passage can best be described as, (Frederick Douglass) The first two paragraphs of the passage contain all of the following except, (Frederick Douglass) The primary mode of composition of paragraph two is, (Frederick Douglass) The purpose of this passage is captured in all of the following lines except, "They would compose and sing as they went along, consulting neither time nor tune", (Frederick Douglass) In context, the word "rude" in line 38 most nearly means, (Frederick Douglass) An analogy is made between all of the following pairs except, One wishing to be impressed with the soul-killing effects of slavery and one placed into the deep of the words, (Frederick Douglass) In line 40, "they" is a pronoun for the antecedent, (Frederick Douglass) The primary example of figurative language in the third paragraph is, (Frederick Douglass) The line "I have often sung to drown my sorrow, but seldom to express my happiness," is an example of, (Frederick Douglass) The line "there is no flesh in his obdurate heart" is in quotation marks because, (Frederick Douglass) The tone of the passage as a whole can best be described as, (Ronald Reagan) The tone of the opening paragraph can best be described as. Rutherford B. Hayes. wail of millions!" cannot (enslaved people)? difference between citizens and enslaved people. Douglass knows only that his father is a white man, though many people say that his master is his father. Through this comparison, Douglass argues that That same year Douglass was appointed president of the Freedmans Savings & Trust, also known as the Freedmans Bank. Why would most slave masters want this? Covey, who Douglass has been sent to by his master to be broken, has succeeded in nearly tearing all of Douglasss dreams of freedom away from him. At an 1841 antislavery convention, he was asked to recount his experience as an enslaved person. He was invited to give an In his book, Douglass proves that slavery is a destructive force not only to the slaves, but also for the slaveholders. Our initial assault was repulsed and we took up positions behind our Although the date of his birth was not recorded, Douglass estimated that he had been born in February 1818, and he later celebrated his birthday on February 14. Douglasss extemporaneous speech was lauded by the audience, and he was recruited as an agent for the group. be celebrated by everyone because, to its core, America is Frederick Douglass makes a point to demonstrate the deterioration slavery yields from moral, benevolent people into ruthless, cold-hearted people. Use the provided list of sources. In this period of time, half of the states in the United States Find out about the remarkable life of Frederick Douglass, See how American abolitionists, such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Thomas Garrett, helped enslaved persons escape to freedom, Learn about the autobiographies of Frederick Douglass, Learn about the life of Frederick Douglass and his role in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, Discover the truth behind the photographs of Frederick Douglass, married to Anna Murray Douglass (18381882), father of Rosetta Douglass Sprague (b. (Declaration of Independence) Which of the following indicates the subject and the predicate (verb) of the first sentence? After the Freedmans Bank debacle, Douglass held numerous government appointments. He truly tapped into the readers emotions to allow them a deeper connection with the story. After his death, Helen Pitts Douglass established the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association to preserve his legacy. Should Lon expect to be freed from prison? phrasing choices that support that tone. Jamaica Kincaid chose to attack loving by the fact that the lecture is advice on life. According to Douglass, Hugh stated that if a slave were given an inch, he would take an ell [a unit of measure equal to about 45 inches]. In Maryland, as in many other slaveholding states, it was forbidden to teach enslaved people how to read and write. I will not discuss further your national The book also challenged the conventional employment of ghostwriters for slave narratives by boldly acknowledging that Douglass wrote it himself. The influential narrative of Frederick Douglass is an awe-inspiring description of his struggle and fight for freedom against the prejudiced, brutal, oppressive Southern institution of slavery.. For example, he uses the word rush to describe how Mrs. Auld moves toward him when she catches him reading. Douglass was born enslaved as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on Holme Hill Farm in Talbot county, Maryland. During his first few years in Rochester, Douglass remained loyal to Garrisons philosophy, which promoted moral suasion, stated that the U.S. Constitution was an invalid document, and discouraged participation in American politics because it was a system corrupted by slavery. Anna arrived in New York several days later, and the two were married by the Reverend J.W.C. Farmers would pay slaveholders a monthly fee for enslaved people and take responsibility for their care, food, and lodging. Then, write the word that in this paragraph to support his main Above your national joy, I hear the mournful wail of Although Frederick Douglass was an enslaved man, he teaches himself to read and write. (Gettysburg) The diction of the piece supports imagery relating to which of the following? Douglass hoped that the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment would encourage African Americans to stay in the South to consolidate their power as a voting bloc, but the regions high levels of violence against African Americans led him to support Black migration to safer areas of the country. I shall be glad to meet him." The gentleman returned, and soon Mr. Douglass stood face to face with the President.